First I want to show you all the sweet new additions to my family! This first sweet girl is my chosen family. Her name is Landry and she belongs to April, one of my very best friends in the world. She was born on 2/1/12. Isn't she a doll baby? Maybe I'm just a tiny bit jealous that she got a pink baby and I have all these blue ones...not that I would trade them for the world! I am anxious to go love on this sweet bundle very soon.

This handsome little devil is my darling new nephew Carson! He belongs to my sister-in-love, Tobey...Jon's of his many! He was born on 1/18/12. He was
itty bitty. I believe he weighed in at exactly 6lbs and he was about a month early. Isn't that the cutest head of hair ever? I'm so sad that I have hardly gotten to see him yet because I have been basically working non-stop then coming home tending boys and going to bed. I can't wait to get some real bonding time with him.

However, loving on these two sweet babies is going to have to wait at least 5 days because first thing in the morning we are headed out to San Antonio for a company party/trip. I can not wait. I feel like a get-a-way is much needed to help relieve some of my stress. I can feel it in my shoulders and neck y'all! We are going for 5 days and staying at the beautiful
JW Marriott Resort.

I found these pictures online so I will try my very best to take my own pictures and actually get them posted on here soon. Did I mention that I am excited? I love most all of my work family and I can't wait to spend 5 relaxing days with them. It could be that most of them are from around my home town or they are friends of friends or friends of family. It makes hanging out with them super easy!

I am a little anxious about leaving the boys. I think that this is the longest that we've gone anywhere since
Braxton was born. Lucas is excited because his Gimme &
PaPaw are coming to stay with him (my mom &
Braxton though is feeling puny today and has been running a fever. I think it's pink eye because he woke up with his eye matted together and the daycare sent him home because he showed signs of having it. I pray that my little ones will be good and not have any issues while we are away.
More pictures to come...I would try to post while we are on vacation but I don't know how to do all of that from my cell phone so we will have to wait until I am back at this computer!!