Friday, February 5, 2010

Lasik, Clomid and 1099's

So, I'm obviously not doing any better about my blogging. Every time I think I'm going to sit down and type something into this little box a phone rings, my son calls out, my husband wants to eat...well, maybe the TV calls my name too!

I got Lasik surgery yesterday!!! Randomly I had scheduled an appointment for Wednesday to see if I was even a candidate and as it turns out, I was. When I was leaving they told me that the doctor would call me after reviewing my charts to make certain that I could do the procedure. Good Golly, but it was only about an hour later when they called to see if I could come in on Thursday for my final consultation and my Lasik. I think it was for the best to do it that I'm prone to backing out of things as fear takes over!! I went in yesterday and waited in the waiting room for over an hour and a half to be called back. Can I please just tell all of you (2 people) that still read this blog that I about left then. I finally got to the back, met the doctor, got a few more "measurements" done and then it was laser time. I am pretty sure that I almost forgot to fact, they kept having to remind me "in through the nose and out through the mouth"!! It is a little freaky if you want to know the truth! However, freak outs and strangeness aside, it may have been the best money that I've ever spent. I can't tell you how fabulous it is to be sitting here typing while not wearing glasses that fall down from my face or contacts that cloud up from too much wear and grit! Woo Hoo...y'all should do it too if you haven't already!

I also finally got around to going back to my OBGYN on Monday. I had been having some really strange, really long cycles...I'm talking like anywhere from 40-50 days at a time in between. Then when I would get them it would be not nearly the same as usual. Several of my family and close friends had been on me to go to the doctor but I've gotta tell you that the thought of visiting his office again after last year was a bit more than I thought I could take. Obviously I proved myself wrong as I'm sitting here now. I did however have a few crying fits in his office as cute little preggos girls walked in and out and newborns came with mommies for followup appointments! I don't begrudge anyone who is pregnant, it was just super hard for me in there considering how my last visit ended. However, I was slightly even more dishearted when this young girl walked in with a belly-out-to-there, reaking of smoke, looking like she hasn't bathed in weeks, while her boyfriend talked about partying over the weekend. I mean really? They make it look so easy!!

My incredibly sweet doctor started by walking in the door and telling me how glad he was that I was willing to come see him again and that he intended to do everything in his power to make this next time that I left his office much happier for me. We did determine that I have stopped clue why. I suspect it's fairly common though. The good doctor decided to put me on a Prover/Clomid cocktail for the next 3 months while doing blood work on the 21st day to see if ovulation actually occured. He says that if these meds do actually induce an ovulatory cycle that "IF" I am "ACTIVE" during the "PEAK" times that I would have like a 75-80% chance of getting pregnant in the next 3 months. I was supposed to take the Provera for 10 days first but apparently my body responded faster as my cycle began just 2 days after on the Provera. I began the Clomid today. Here's to hoping that it works and that it doesn't turn me into the basket case that it has several of my family & friends! We will go to the specialist if in 3 months ovulation hasn't occurred.

Lastly, I can't tell y'all how stressful January was for me. I have the unfortunate responsibility of getting all of the 1099's out for our entire company. I wound up having to make LOADS of corrections to entries in the bookkeeping and then went on to print about 1200 1099's and about 15 W2's. Thankfully I had some help from two of my newer "helpers" making sure that the addresses, socials and tax ID #'s were correct. Hopefully we won't get many calls this year from people who think they should have made "less" money this year!!

I'm going to charge my camera folks so maybe I can have it ready week after next for our trip to Puerto Rico. Maybe I'll actually have pictures to SHARE!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Glad you're back! Really makes me want to do LASIK...and I will pray for y'all during this fertility stuff. Hopefully things will not take as long as you've been told :) of course praying for minimal crazy effects!