Thursday, June 9, 2011

Latest & greatest...

So, here are a few happening around our house...

We got Lucas new big boy bigger boy furniture. He wanted to go with a baseball theme, which of course Jon was just all too happy to agree with. It's actually really cool and it has a trundle too so he can fit 3 in his room instead of just 2.

We repainted his walls this blue color and then decided it would be really cool for Lucas to have a vintage scoreboard in his room. I looked and looked everywhere for one online. Either you find a peel & stick one that is totally generic or you find a really cool canvas that costs a fortune that shows only a piece of it. One of our family friends came over to the house and painted this scoreboard on his wall for us. It's not totally done in this picture but close enough. Isn't it cool?

My sweet babies...I'm even claiming my little niece as mine because that's how much I miss her. They came home during Memorial Day weekend and Lucas was just dying to hold both of them at once. This just shows me how big they are all getting...and attitudes...let me tell you about them!

Bad picture quality but isn't little dude cute? He all of the sudden LOVES his Jumperoo. Maybe it's because his feet finally reach the ground!

That's all for today folk!


Michelle said...

Wow! I love the painting! Too room looks great!

Kolton's Mama said...

Your sons room looks amazing!!

Dimitri South said...

yes, like the paintings, its awesome

Culprit Pontiff said...

cool and sweet babies you have...nice painting too...


Vanesa said...

Interesting post, thanks.